i sell this grief at the highest price

i sell this grief at the highest price a person can bid in an auciton. it's in the form of gentle touch and hazzy memories and one shoe, untied. never once i shed a tear never twice i let it sink. people come, the say, and people go, they think. so, do i have the consent to own this longing feeling?

i put this grief behind the door i used to hide from my dad. i smell the different perfumes from the clothes hanging above my head. the reflection from the floor is my cue to run or to stay. can i know where the living body of an empty soul can stray?

i keep this grief over my head and swore it like an oath. curse me with all the living human's heart and destroy it like a throne. i am the grief, and the grief is me. burnt like an ashes and shove it to the sea.